With all of our resources, you also get much configuration, here is some explanation for it!
INFO: Config might contain BETA additions, so it might not be 1:1 as yours
Config Example
Here you can see a config.lua
example with all additions you'll need
With this script you can configure everything! See for yourself!
Config = {}
Config.AllowPlayersPlaceBrewlery = true
Config.StaticBrewleryPoints = {
-- vector3(x, y, z),
vector3(1451.0593, 3754.3269, 31.9342),
Config.BrewlerySpawnStats = {
temp = 0, -- Temperature is important to maintain quality and warmth. I recommend keeping it between 70-90 or Config.Recepie
water = 0, -- Water must be greater than 50 or Config.Recepie
herbs = 0, --Herbs for proper production must number between 7-9 or Config.Recepie
steam = 0, -- If the steam/pressure is greater than 80 then the steam must be dropped or it will reduce in condition and may break.
corn = 0, -- For proper cooking, you need 10-12 corn or Config.Recepie
spice = 0, -- Spices need 2-3 or Config.Recepie
moonshine = 0, -- Moonshine will only start to rise if progress is greater than 50 or Config.Recepie
litres = 0, -- Number of litres
condition = 60, -- Condition determines condition. If you don't relieve the pressure, it drops.
fire = 0, -- Check if there is a fire, min 5
broken = false, -- Guess lol
progress = 0, -- This is important! Please do not change as it will reset and clean the contents of the distillery.
-- How much litres you need for one bottle?
Config.LitresNeeded = 0.5
-- Ideal numbers for the recipe.
Config.Recepie = {
temp = {
min = 70,
max = 90
herbs = {
min = 7,
max = 9
corn = {
min = 10,
max = 12,
spice = {
min = 2,
max = 4,
moonshine_producition_start = 50,
progress_production_start = 50,
steam_destroying_effect = 80,
Config.ProgressUpdateTime = 60000
-- The values below are always once per progress, which means that according to Config.ProgressUpdateTime
Config.Progress = {
fire_minus = 0.5, -- The fire is diminishing by
temp_less_than_70_plus = 10, -- If the temperature is less than 70, the temperature rises
temp_more_than_70_plus = 0.5, -- If temp more than 70 add to temp
remove_water = 0.5, -- Remove water every progress run
add_stream = 3, -- Add steam every progress run
remove_condition = 10, -- This if steam more than Config.Recepie.steam_destroying_effect
add_litres = 0.2, -- If all the conditions of correct production.
add_progress = 2, -- If all the conditions of correct production.
-- If progress == 100 removes all the herbs, corns and spices
remove_temp_if_not_fire = 10, -- Remove the fire if there is no wood.
quality = 0, -- Bad < 0 > Good -- THIS IS INVISIBLE VALUE FOR PLAYER
Config.RiddleToFindRecepie = "Where the Alamo sea touches land between the two roads by the stone the waves made sounds."
Config.RecepieChest = vector3(1059.2573, 4374.6162, 31.8563)
Config.RecepieFakeLocations = {
Config.RecepieFakeItem = "garbage"
Config.BrewleryPlaceEverywhere = false -- If false line down
Config.BrewleryAllowCollision = true -- If someone place on road
-- or
Config.BrewleryLocationsWhereCanBePlace = { -- This is good if the players on your server are idiots.
{coords = vector3(1412.8130, 3813.5234, 32.3411), radius = 150.0},
{coords = vector3(2206.9404, 5603.0254, 53.6828), radius = 150.0},
{coords = vector3(1450.9263, 6349.4512, 23.7800), radius = 100.0},
{coords = vector3(-815.0569, 5753.5576, 6.2454), radius = 150.0},
{coords = vector3(56.7009, 3705.1948, 39.7550), radius = 200.0},
{coords = vector3(1873.7515, -1950.3777, 169.8864), radius = 500.0},
{coords = vector3(-205.1444, -2571.3630, 6.0141), radius = 500.0},
{coords = vector3(2711.0500, -721.3223, 17.6227), radius = 500.0},
{coords = vector3(-288.4639, 1652.3051, 299.9447), radius = 500.0},
{coords = vector3(1900.2440, 102.3601, 146.7260), radius = 800.0},
{coords = vector3(-1956.7241, 3868.1040, 230.5955), radius = 700.0},
{coords = vector3(487.6240, 5511.5605, 774.1483), radius = 700.0},
Config.Items = {
water = "water",
moonshine = "moonshine",
badmoonshine = "badmoonshine",
brewlery = "moonshine_brewlery",
wood = "wood",
corn = "moonshine_corn",
herb = "moonshine_herb",
spice = "moonshine_spice",
recepie = "moonshine_recepie",
help = "moonshine_help",
repair = "moonshine_repair_kit",
empty_bottle = "bottle",
Config.ProgressBarTime = 10000 -- This is for long actions
Config.ProgressBarTimeShort = 3000 -- This is for short actions / Add ingredience
-- Shop
Config.ShopCoords = vector4(2253.3806, 5601.7988, 54.6757, 262.8599)
Config.Shop = {
label = "Spice",
itemName = "moonshine_spice",
count = 5,
price = 500
label = "Shovel",
itemName = "shovel",
count = 1,
price = 1000
label = "Hint",
itemName = "moonshine_recepie_help",
count = 1,
price = 5000
label = "Moonshine brewlery",
itemName = "moonshine_brewlery",
count = 1,
price = 20000
label = "Wood",
itemName = "wood",
count = 1,
price = 100
-- Uncomment this unless you want to use other things to get wood.
label = "Wood",
itemName = "wood",
count = 1,
price = 100
--- Fields
Config.FieldsLoadTime = 5000
Config.FieldsDistanceLoad = 50.0
Config.Fields = {
label="Corn field",
pos = vector3(2596.4617, 4884.4619, 34.7651),
spawnModel = "prop_veg_corn_01",
spawnRadius = 40.0,
spawnLimit = 3,
recivieItem = Config.Items.corn,
count = {
min = 1,
max = 2,
label="Herb field",
pos = vector3(3675.0547, 4941.0396, 16.7652),
spawnModel = "prop_plant_fern_01b",
spawnRadius = 40.0,
spawnLimit = 3,
recivieItem = Config.Items.herb,
count = {
min = 1,
max = 2,
Config.MissionBigSell = {
mission_start_ped = vector4(2942.1707, 4634.0073, 48.7199, 359.8587),
mission_land_pos = vector3(3320.2676, 5145.8306, 18.2824),
change_for_bandits = 100, -- Bandits + trap so deal is ruined
bandits_spawn_cords = vector4(3261.9492, 5197.4531, 19.8662, 177.2272),
big_deal_moonshine_count_needeed = 30,
big_deal_price_for_one = 500,
server_side_allow_again = 180, -- Minutes
Config.SmallSellCountLimit = 3
Config.SmallSells = {
target = vec3(1967.0925, 4634.1919, 41.1017),
price = 200,
chanceForPD = 40,
target = vec3(1701.1957, 4865.4331, 42.0198),
price = 250,
chanceForPD = 10,
if not IsDuplicityVersion() then
function DispatchCall(type, coords)
-- Types: smalldeal/bigdeal
-- coords: Player coords
Last updated